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Everything about Italy

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Italy or the Italian Republic, is a European country located in the south of the European continent. Italy is composed of three basic parts, the land related to Europe, which is usually described shoe shape, and the islands of Sicily and Sardinia are. Italy limits of the North Alps, located inside Italian territory are the two independent states of San Marino and the Vatican
Repubblica Italiana
Italian Republic

Official Language


Largest city of Rome

Republican parliamentary

Chief of state
President Giorgio Napolitano

Prime Minister
Romano Prodi

301.230 km²
57998353 (2004)
Population density
197 inhabitants per km²
Euros (€)

US $ 1.559 billion (2003)
GNP per capita
US $ 27 050 (2003)
Time difference
UTC + 1
National Anthem
Il Canto degli Aitaliani

Auto code
Online international code
International Phone Number

1 Geography
2 people
2.1 Language
2.2 Religion
2.3 feasts and holidays
3 History
4 Politics
4.1 Political System
4.2 Foreign Policy
4.3 administrative division
5 Economy and infrastructure
6 Culture
7 Media and Press
8 Sports
9 Education


Italy area of three hundred thousand square km Tzahi. The form of the country is geographically Beltabiahit healed with the Alps, in turn, located in the north and northwest of the country. The highest elevation is the Mont Blanc or Monte Bianco (translated: White Mountain), which has a height of 4748 meters above sea level. Along the west coast, and several Rivirat Taatmtd bays from the north to the south, the most important of the Italian Riviera in Liguria, and Riviera Alotrwskih in Tuscany and the Bay of Naples in Campania. The east coast called starting from Trieste in the north to the south coast of Gargano in the Italian Adriatic. The longest river in the country is Bo and Aceh and the Arno and Tiber. Garda is the largest lake and a hired Lago (Great Lake) and Kummer in northern Italy and lakes Bolsena and Trasimeno in the center of the country. There are several volcanoes on the Italian territory most important Vesuvius and Etna.
Italy's climate is Mediterranean climate, which is characterized by moderation and free his winter bridesmaid. Humidity is high in the summer, especially in areas close to the sea. While snow coats the foothills of the Alps and the Apennines in the north.

Italy has a population of about 60 million people, is the fourth largest country in the European Union in terms of population. More than two-thirds of the country's population living in cities, especially in the north. Has such migration from the countryside to the cities gradually, but the most important periods were in the fifties and sixties of the twentieth century. At the beginning of the nineties, back to the countryside, especially near major cities to the countryside, after the most crowded cities and increased the percentage of contamination. Italy's population are the longest longevity in the world, with an average longevity in men 76 years and women at 83 years. One of the main reasons for this is the quality of food consumed, and a private record with olive oil.

Italian is the official language. There are languages that are closer to the different dialects spread across the country, especially in Sicily and Sardinia Islands. The Italian language is the language of romance, exits letters words barely be coordinated musical tone. Other foreign languages are not widespread, especially among the elderly.
The most widespread religion is Catholic Christianity, which was a center of Rome until 1929, was created to be an independent state in the heart of the Vatican in Rome that year, so that the country's politicians to separate religion from the state actually. There Brocstantinah minorities, Jewish and Muslim.
Festivities and holidays
Official holidays are New Year's Day (the first of January), appearing Festival (January / January 6), the Easter holiday, Freedom Festival (April 25), workers' festival (May 1 / May), Festival Republic (2 June), Ascension festival (August 15 / August), Feast of All Saints (November 1), Feast of the Immaculate Conception (8 December / December), Christmas festival (25-26 December / December) and night New Year's Eve (31 December / December).
A major theme of the history of Italy.
Political system
Constitution in 1948, after the war, laying the foundations of the political system of the Italian current: Parliament (Parlamento) with two chambers, the Chamber of Deputies (Camera dei Deputati) and the Senate (Senato della Repubblica), an independent judicial system and the executive of the state through the Council of Ministers (Consiglio dei ministri ). Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister, who shall be appointed by the head of state. The position of the head of state is honorary, shall be elected for a term of seven and Democrats (Unione dei Democratici Cristiani e Democratici di Centro): average
Daisy-Democracy is Freedom (Margherita - Democrazia è Libertà): leftist
Democrats of the Left (Democratici di Sinistra): leftist
Northern Alliance (Lega Nord): rightist
National Alliance (Alleanza Nazionale): rightist
Social Democrats Italians (Socialisti Democratici Italiani): medial-leftist
Foreign Policy
Administrative division
The Italian state is divided administratively into the territory of the twenty-five of them enjoy the kind of autonomy, and each region consists of a number of counties, which includes a number of cities and towns and villages.

Abruzzo Abruzzo
Aosta Valley Valle d'Aosta
Puglia Puglia
Basilicata Basilicata
Emilia Romagna Emilia Romagna
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Calabria Calabria
Campania Campania
Lazio Lazio
Liguria Liguria
Lombardy Lombardia
Marche Marche
Molise Molise
Piedmont Piemonte
Sardinia Sardegna
Sicily Sicilia
Tuscany Toscana
Veneto Veneto
Trentino-Alto Adige Trentino-Alto Adige
Umbria Umbria

Economy and infrastructure
Italian economy shifted from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy after World War II, to form today's fifth-strongest economy in the world. Italy is one of the eight industrialized nations at the G8 group. Government sector plays an important role in the Italian economy. In recent years has increased the pace of privatization, the government managed to reduce the high rates of inflation Who accompanied the devaluation of the Italian lira, which was the currency of the country until 2002, when he began to deal with the euro. This was a quantum leap for the population, because they are accustomed to counting zeros next to Price Code, with the euro it became easier for its purchasing power against the lira (each one euro = about 2000 Italian lire). There is a gap between the industrialized North and the agricultural South. The most important industrial centers in the north, centered around the major cities, especially Milan. Can be compared to the north of the Italian economy, the countries of northern Europe, while the south is similar to the economy of poor countries in the European Union economy. Which abound where unemployment (about 20%) and the proportion of crime, especially in the island of Sicily. Overall, per capita income in the country in per capita income comparable to France and Britain.
Italy has limited natural resources, there is no example of oil reserves, coal or iron. Therefore, most of the 75% of the fuel needs of the needy raw materials for the industry are imported from abroad. Libya is a major supplier of oil. Natural gas is produced in the valley of the River Po and the Adriatic coast. The main industries are machinery, automobile, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and electrical appliances, clothing and fashion. Grown in northern Italy, cereals, rice, sugar beets, soybeans, and cattle graze and dairy produce. In the south grown fruits and vegetables, olives, grapes and wheat. Italy has the second largest area planted grapes in the world after France.
North also enjoy the ease of nature and economy transport network denser than the south. Total railway length is about 20 thousand and 650 thousand km of paved roads. The cities of Milan, Rome, Naples, Genoa, Palermo, Catania, Bari, Bergamo, Turin, Brescia, Bologna, Perugia, Salerno and Cagliari have metro lines. Malpensa International Airport in Milan and Leonardo da Vinci airport in Rome international airports are the largest. Italian airline Alitalia (Alitalia) is the national airline.
Italy is famous for its art, culture and food. Of the most famous monuments Leaning Tower of Pisa, Colisseum in Rome and channels of Venice. Italian cuisine is one of the most kitchens in the world, famous for the varieties of pasta and pizza. Italy also characterized Boziaha, theaters, literature, music, wines and many others. Milan is the fashion capital of Paris after in the world.
Mentions that the Renaissance in Europe began in Italy in the fourth and fifth centuries ten works of writers such as Dante, Batarark, Tasso, Aristo, Bokachu, Machiavelli and Casteljunh literature was one of the pillars of Western civilization later. Just as influenced drawings, sculpture and architecture of each Bronilishe and Leonardo da Vinci and Raffaello and Bocelli and Fra Angelico and Michael Angelo in world civilization as a whole. Italian opera known, especially in the nineteenth century under global authors: Rossini and Verdi and Puccini, and had been the cradle of all of them before them: Palestrina, Monteverde, Corelli and Vivaldi. What artists Italians Jethro global culture to now still.
Media and Press
Italy has a huge number of TV channels and radio. Radio and television network Italian government Ray (RAI) is the oldest. Private channels began its work in the eighties, now the most famous of the group Mediaset channels, which Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi owns most of the shares. Something remarkable is that the film which is displayed on the television screens, which are dubbed in Italian, are usually divided into two parts, the first and second, Atakllahm break. This may be further evidence of the extent of the Italians attached to the sport of football, where the game is divided into two games. There are dozens of Italian newspapers, which printed a day, the most important of La Repubblica (La Repubblica) from Rome, Corriere della Sera (Il Corriere della Sera) from Milan and La Stampa (La Stampa) from Turin. Most of the role of the Italian newspaper classified themselves as independent, but it is in fact much affected by economic and political factors. There is also a partisan newspapers, economic and sports. Use of the Internet is on the rapid spread in the country.
Football is the first sport in the country, as Italians Boalam knows this sport, where the Italian national team won the World Cup soccer four times in 1934.1938, 1982 and 2006. Serie A football has several world-class star. Italian teams in volleyball, swimming, skiing, cycling, basketball occupies advanced centers on a global level.
School education system in Italy is characterized as a unified, there is no difference between the areas of Italy in this area, except for vocational education. The school system is divided into the following sections:
Compulsory school
High school
Italy is the first country in Europe with regard to language skills for students of schools, where language instruction begins Alanglezah, for example, from the first row.
Public universities charge a reduced fee from the students. The school year in the Italian universities are divided into two classes, exams are held at the end of each of them.

Italian language

The Italian language is the official language of the Republic of Italy, it is also one of the Romance languages. Are easy to identify specific words masculine or feminine definition tool, singular and plural, as it is linked to, in most cases, is the end of the word.

Italian (Italiano)
Spoken in: Italy in addition to 29 other state
Region: Southern Europe

Number of speakers: 70 million
Linguistic family
Italo-Western languages

Writing: Latin system

Official language in
Italy, the European Union, Switzerland, San Marino, Slovenia, Vatican City, the territory of Istria in Croatia

Body responsible: Accademia della Crusca
Language Codes
ISO 639-1
ISO 639-2
ISO / FDIS 639-3

Italian landmarks


Colosseum or Alkolseyoum or Alclausam or so-called asset runway Alflavi (Balatynah: Amphitheatrum Flavium, Italian Anfiteatro Flavio or Colosseo). Giant is a Roman amphitheater in the center of the city of Rome originally sought about 45,000 to 50,000 spectators. The arena is used in fighting gladiators (Aljladlator) mass and competitions. Been initiated to build between 70 and 72 AD under the emperor Vespasian and was completed 80 years Biskl essential in the era of Titus, but has some additional changes in the reign of Domitian.

History of the building

Since the start of construction date and until the present time over Alpmny a lot of developments in terms of use and also the form of the building architecturally so it is believed that the scene was covered with a large celestial dome (1). Months and the building is an example of the Romanian theaters this way, which is characterized by a complete rotation or being completely oval. Using the building remained for nearly 500 years and recorded the last games held in the sixth century, after the traditional date on which it is believed the fall of Rome in a 476.

Leaning Tower of Pisa
Leaning Tower of Pisa (Italian: Torre pendente di Pisa) is the cathedral city of Pisa Italian bell tower, was supposed to be perpendicular to the tower, but it began to tilt rod after Alibd building in August 1173 m shortly. Located next to the Cathedral of Pisa "miracles field" Campo dei Miracoli.
Tower of Pisa is located in Italy in Pisa in the state of Tuscany, built in 1175 AD, it seemed, and as long as its construction 174 years, known as the Leaning Tower of Pisa to the presence of Milan by the deviation from the vertical plane, consists of eight floors built of white marble Roman-style, up 54.5 meters and has built inside the walls drawer consists of 300 degrees, (currently equipped electric) lift, the Tower of Pisa and is considered one of the wonders of the world.
Tendency is clearly visible where is about 18 feet (tilt more than five degrees), and it is said that the reason for this inclination is looseness in the building and landing on the soil of the tower. This inclination emerged since the early stages of building this tower, but the architects have continued to build on the basis of the same inclination, and in 1275 AD, when they were building the fourth and fifth periodic reports of the tower tried Architects move the weight of the tower center to avoid Milan, but it seems they did not succeed, so, and yet underway attempts to halt Milan by establishing a dolly trusses.
Since 1990, in the last century and closed the tower to prevent tourists from climbing because of the collapse of the gallery at every moment.
Tower of Pisa has been associated with the famous Italian Galileo Galilei Galilei world and his experience on the ground to accelerate.
Height of the tower is 55 meters above the ground. Its mass is estimated at 14,500 tons. The current tendency is estimated at 5.5 degrees, and the tower 294 degrees.

The establishment of the tower began in August 9, 1173 AD. After the construction of the third floor in 1178, the tower and the money stopped construction work of a century. In 1272 AD, were an additional four-storey building with a view to modifying the angle of inclination. Realization and stopped again in 1301. In 1372 another built decks and put the bell in the tower.
There is disagreement about the identity of the architect who built the Leaning Tower of Pisa. For years it was considered the architect Bonanno Pisano, which was built, a well-known artist of the second century of Pisa, famous bronze his works, especially in the Cathedral of Pisa. Construction of the tower, which start in 1174 by Bonanno Pisano, and was completed after a long pause at the hands of Giovanni Pisano was in the second half of the fourteenth century by Tommaso di Andrea Pisano.
The story goes that Galileo Galilei dropped two balls (cannon shells) women with different blocks of the tower to demonstrate that their fall speed does not depend on Ktlhma. This story, although it is on the lips of a pupil of Galileo, is considered wrong broadly.
Benito Mussolini ordered that the tower be returned to the horizontal position, and was pouring cement foundations. The result was unexpected and made the tower dive more into the soil.
During World War II, the US Army destroyed all the towers in Pisa almost, for fear of the possibility of the presence of snipers in the towers. The bombing of the Tower of Pisa is also planned; but a decision came at the last minute withdrawal saved the tower from destruction.
On February 27, 1964, the Italian government asked for assistance to prevent the tower from falling. Was appointed a multilateral group of engineers, mathematicians and historians gathered in the Azores islands to discuss how to install it. After several decades of research and work on the subject, has been closed the tower to visitors in January 1990. After a decade of debugging and installation efforts were re-opening the doors to visitors on December 15, 2001 have been proposed many methods to install the tower, including the addition of 800 metric tons of lead counterbalance versus the high side or the base of the tower. The ultimate solution to correct the inclination was removed 38 cubic meters of soil from under the high end of the Hadhalberg. The tower was declared "stable" for the next three hundred years at least.
At least two people jumped from the tower using umbrellas (parachute) are Mike McCarthy in the August 5, 1988 and (in the Boston Globe, August 6, 1988), Arne Arthus in the February 1, 2000.

Information Technology

• latitude: 43.7167 (43 ° 43 '0 "N)
• longitude: 10.3833 (10 ° 22 '60 "E)
• Height above sea level: almost 2 meters.
• Height: 55.863 meters (185 feet). 8 floors.
• outer diameter of the base: 15.484 meters
• inner diameter of the base: 7.368 meters
• Block: 14,700 metric tons
• wall thickness at the base: 8 feet
• the direction of Milan: 1173-1250 north, south 1272-1997
• The total number of bells: 7, listed on the musical scale
• the largest bell: L'Assunta (The Assumption). Three and a half tons in 1655 mode.
• oldest bell: Pasquarreccia.
• The number of grades to the bell tower: 294

Alloatalih famous dishes


Or پatza Pizza Pizza, Italian origin eaters origins date back to the Italian city of Naples, is the main meals of pizza can also be one of the appetizers. Traditional pizza dough and sauce, tomatoes, cheese and sometimes consists contain meat V.ela that is currently creating many types of pizza, which may include:
• pepper and spices.
• mushrooms or mushroom.
• Fish.
• shrimp.
• olive and corn.
• Meat: Kaldon, beef and pork.
• vegetables.
• eggs.
• thyme.


• 1 Italian pizza
• 2 Greek pizza
• 3 American pizza
• 4 Libyan pizza
5 of the most famous pizza restaurants globally:

Italian pizza
It is the traditional style of pizza and months where globally consists of pizza dough, cheese and tomato sauce and sometimes meat.
Greek pizza
And is characterized by a relatively different contents for Italian pizza, where it consists of feta cheese (Greek cheese) and Giroux (consisting of meat cooked in a certain way similar Bachaorma with vegetables and usually made of chicken or pork or beef), spinach and olives.
American pizza
Where pizza is moved with the migration of a large number of Italians and Greeks to the continent of America, but they have developed a pizza in a different way from the traditional pizza, and especially in terms of the size of the parties, and some of the components.
Libyan pizza
Where pizza is moved with the Italians who have stayed in Libya during the colonization of Italy to Libya, there arose a new type of pizza Libyans still add it, especially from Arabic spices and tomato sauce and hot pepper and thyme mountain and basil, olive oil, and the types of fish such as tuna and sardines Arab flavor and also shrimp and Alkelmar and anchovies, this addition assortment of vegetables and mushrooms stuffed pizza and also from the inside surface with decorating olives and cheese.

Of the most famous pizza restaurants globally:
• Pizza Hut.
• Domino's.
Different Themes
Written by Lovely

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